
(Only available with paid PTO membership)

With the app you can:
- Submit an absent notice
- Access our family directory


Coming soon!



PTO Facebook Greenbriar on Facebook Greenbriar on Twitter

Visit Greenbriar's Website


What is the PTO and how does it benefit Greenbriar?

All families and staff in the Greenbriar community are invited to join the PTO! The goal of the PTO is to provide programs, activities and materials to support and enhance the academic curriculum and to enrich the grade school experience for Greenbriar students and their families. We also look to support our staff and teachers throughout the year to give thanks for their amazing work. We truly appreciate and depend on all the parents and staff who volunteer their time and talents to make our PTO endeavors a success.

What is the Paperless PTO?

Paperless PTO is www.GreenbriarPTO.com!

Paperless PTO is our online application system which contains the Directory and items for sale. Most importantly, there is an App you can download to your phone. This will be your main site for all things PTO! The PTO system is where one purchases spirit wear, pizza days, treat days, birthday signs, and any PTO sponsored items. The Directory will be accessible only through the Paperless PTO website or an app on your smartphone or tablet. (No printed directory). In order to receive access to the App you must be a PTO member and pay the $30 dues.

What does the PTO sponsor or organize?

  • Friday PTO Pizza and Greenbriar Spirit Days

  • Book Fair – Fall opportunity to expand your child’s home library and add new titles to classrooms

  • Fifth Grade Yearbook and Year End activities

  • Marla’s Brown Bag lunch – Marla’s is the lunch provider that Greenbriar uses

  • Class Parties for Halloween, Winter and Spring

  • Staff Appreciation–The PTO spends a large amount of time and efforts on teacher and staff recognition and support. Back to school lunches, conference lunches, grants, and so many other programs which happen throughout the year.

  • Greyhound Gathering in the Fall and County Fair in the Spring are family friendly events which strengthen our school community.

  • BINGO Night! Family night of fun and fundraising

  • Greenbriar Gives Service Week

  • Greenbriar Spirit Wear
  • Birthday Signs

  • Art Adventure

  • And so much more!!!


How does the PTO raise money?

PTO Family Membership dues: A portion of the $30.00 fee per family covers the cost of our Paperless PTO website, directory and App. The Directory will be accessible only through the Paperless PTO website or an app on your smartphone or tablet. (No printed directory). In order to receive the App you must be a PTO member and pay the $30 dues.

Student Activity Fund: The PTO asks families to donate a suggested amount of $25 per child. 100% of your donation goes directly to helping Greenbriar families in need and funding valued programs like Art Adventure, Science Night, Family Evenings, 5th Grade Celebrations, Field Trips, and many much more. Company matches are also welcome.

Fundraisers! Book Fairs, Spirit Wear, Marla’s Lunch program, PTO Pizza lunch days, Treat Days, Birthday Signs, BINGO Night, etc. These activities provide additional fundraising dollars in addition to being enjoyed by many families.

How do I get involved?

Come to a PTO Meeting!! Everyone is welcome to join in any and all PTO meetings! *Note: Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held in person with a zoom option for those interested.

Volunteer for Committees: The PTO is only as strong as its volunteers! Whether you are new or a veteran, please consider volunteering for a committee. It is a great way to get to know the families and staff in the Greenbriar community!

A complete description of committees and volunteer responsibilities can be found here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NPoH_eGTNMQK9Gr2E99yBocT4zhlw3WmSgcyOUqX_68/edit#gid=0

If you have any questions about any roles, please feel free to email Ali Franklin and Cari Raymond at the PTO email account: greenbriarptonorthbrook@gmail.com

Volunteer for PTO sponsored activities and events: Watch for information in the Weekly PTO Newsletters sent out each Monday during the school year! We also send email blasts and post opportunities on our website: www.GreenbriarPTO.com

What else do I need to know?

School Supplies: If you preordered last Spring, supplies will be delivered to your child’s classroom. If you did not pre-order school supplies, the complete list of school supplies can also be found on the Greenbriar school website.

Communications: The Greenbriar PTO will communicate primarily through the weekly PTO Newsletter, email, as well as through our Facebook page and the Paperless PTO website.

Paperless PTO: www.GreenbriarPTO.com

Facebook: Be sure to “Like” our page: www.facebook.com/greenbriarptonorthbrook


Marla's Lunch deadline to order for the following week is every Tuesday at 12pm NOON.

Click here to order Marla's Lunch.

Pizza Day

PTO Meeting Dates



Read the latest newsetter here.


Read past newsletters here.



Description of PTO committees

Volunteer here

r a mask at pickup and drop off


Want to see what our Greenbriar staff enjoys? This list has some of their favorite things. You can reference this list if you ever want to make a donation or purchase a gift for a staff member.

Click here to view the list



  • February 11th: PTO meeting @ 8:45 (Zoom link)
  • February 12th & 13th: Parent-teacher Conferences

  • February 13th: Half Day of School, 12:00 Dismissal

  • February 14th: NO SCHOOL

  • February 17th: NO SCHOOL

  • February 21st: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!

  • February 22nd: Beginning Orchestra Recital at 11am and 1pm @ NBJH

  • February 24th: Wind Ensemble and Beginning Band Concert @ 7pm @ NBJH

  • February 25th: Board of Education meeting @ 7pm

  • February 26th: BINGO Night from 6-7pm (sensory friendly start at 5pm)



Greenbriar Calendar