Below you will find important information about the program including enrollment guidelines and admission policies.

Please take a few moments to carefully review the policies with your child/ren. With your full cooperation we can ensure that the Enrichment program is a success for all involved.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the program, please contact Sheer Yoskovitz at or 917-940-5342


Enrollment Information

Admissions The After-School Enrichment Program is brought to you by the HHSA.

To enroll in the after-school enrichment program you must become a member of the HHSA.

Children must be enrolled in the Haworth Public School.

Children must be in the grade level designated for the desired course.

Class sizes are limited and classes are filled on a first-come, first served basis.

Classes are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. Please ensure to select a 2nd choice class at time of registration (see note below).


Registration and payment for the Enrichment Program is online ONLY – no paper enrollment will be accepted. If you have not yet setup an account on the HHSA website, follow the directions online to create an account, purchase your HHSA Membership, and then proceed to register and make payment for the enrichment program. Remember that registration is not complete until payment is made - if you leave the page before paying, your child will not be registered, and the spot will remain available to the next child.


2nd Choice Class   

In order to ensure that your child is placed in a class of his/her choice, we are encouraging you to make a 2nd choice class selection AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION by using the dropdown options. If we are required to cancel his/her 1st Choice class – due to lack of enrollment - then your child/ren will automatically be placed into their 2nd Choice class.



Refunds will only be made if a class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, and if we are unable to place your child/ren into his/her 2nd Choice Class.   Choose your classes carefully since there will be no other opportunity for a refund. No refunds will be given for student illness, student withdrawal for personal reason, expulsion due to behavior problems, or class cancellation due to inclement weather.


School Nurse

Please be aware the School Nurse is unavailable during the Enrichment Program. If your child has health issues that require medication, a parent will have to be in attendance to administer any medication. If your child has a need of an Epi Pen, it must be sent with child, in case of emergency. There is no access to School Nurse’s office after 3:00pm.



Class Times - important changes for the 2022-2023 School Year

All classes begin at 3:15pm and end at 4:15pm.  Students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade are escorted from their regular classroom at the end of the school day to thedesignated classrooms. All students in 2nd thru 8th Grade will make their own way to their designated classoom. You do not need to come to school at 3:00pm. 

Absentee Policy

If you child is taken out of school early or will not be staying for the Enrichment Class, please send a note for your child’s classroom teacher to put into the office for the Enrichment Instructor. This will assist us when we take attendance at the start of the Enrichment class. In addition, if you sign your child out early due to sickness, you child CANNOT return to school for the Enrichment class. If you decide last minute to collect your child from school at regular dismissal time, kindly inform the front office so we can notify the Enrichment instructors.

Pick Up

All Classes end at 4:15pm. Students are to be promptly picked up from the Multipurpose Room doors at the back of the school. The instructors will escort their classes to the Multipurpose Room exterior doors and sign them over to you. The Enrichment Program staff is not responsible for supervising children not promptly claimed after Enrichment classes unless your child is currently enrolled in the After Care Program. Any child picked up late more than once will be removed from the program with no refund.

School Closing

There will be no classes on scheduled holidays, half days or days on which school has been closed because of inclement weather.


To be successful, the After School Enrichment Program needs to provide all participating students with a safe and pleasant environment. Accordingly, the Enrichment Committee reserves the right to remove a child from any class, on a temporary or permanent basis, for behavior that the instructor or the Committee determines to be inappropriate or destructive.