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Advocacy Corner

BOE Meeting

January 2025

Updates on School Additions and Blueprint Compliance. See the attached document for more information

Watch the recording of the January CC BOE Meeting from January 8, 2025 for the presentation of the Final

Report of the Superintendent’s Blueprint Fiscal Compliance Workgroup.

Blueprint Meeting Dates

November 2024

According to an article in today’s The Baltimore Sun, Maryland is facing a $2.7 billion deficit, a
forecast worse than any the state has faced in the last 20 years. Annapolis must decide what
combination of budget cuts or tax increases is necessary to face this deficit. According to the
article, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future “is by far the biggest driver of the state’s long-term
budget problems. Starting in the 2028 fiscal year, about $2 billion for Blueprint needs are
unfunded, a figure that grows to $3.2 billion in the 2030 fiscal year.” Governor Moore has
indicated he has a “very, very high bar” for raising taxes.
What does this mean for us? All signs point to Maryland lawmakers adding flexibility to the
requirements or delaying parts of Blueprint implementation. Lawmakers have given local school
systems the past few years to work out Blueprint plans and get feedback. There is a feeling
from Carroll County’s State Delegation, as expressed at the joint meeting with the
Commissioners and Board of Education, that Maryland lawmakers will entertain changes to the
Blueprint law this coming session of the Maryland General Assembly which runs January 8 to
April 7, 2025. Unless there is action at the state level in the 2024 Session to revise, add
flexibility, or delay the Blueprint requirements, CCPS will need to shift resources (teachers) from
the Southern region to other schools in the county. In addition, fewer class options may be
available at CCPS high schools, as the school system prioritizes staffing for classes required for

Janesch, Sam. “State lawmakers face new $2.7B budget deficit: Maryland lawmakers face
new $2.7B budget deficit, ‘worst situation we’ve seen in the last 20 years’ Forecast raises the
possibility of deep cuts or higher taxes.” The Baltimore Sun. November 13, 2024.

Nov 11 CCPO Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

October 2024

School Security

Safe Schools Maryland – a free, ANONYMOUS, 24/7 reporting system to report any school or student safety ?concerns, including mental health concerns.  Safe Schools Maryland is available as an App, SafeSchoolsMD.org, or 1-833-MD-B-SAFE

  • Take Screen Captures – Don’t share or re-post!
  • Report immediately to Safe Schools MD and to the School Principal 

Raptor Alerts – CCPS permanent employees have access to a panic button on the Raptor App on their cell phone so they can notify/request help immediately in any emergency situation. 

Security Cameras – CCPS is in the process of updating all security cameras that are more than 10 years old.  Additionally, additional cameras are being added at middle and elementary schools.


Blueprint Update

Carroll County’s State Delegation has indicated that changes to the Blueprint were not entertained for the last two years while local school systems worked on their Blueprint plans.

All signals point to possible changes to the Blueprint law being adopted this coming session of the Maryland General Assembly (January 8 - April 7, 2025).

CCPS must work on their yearly update to the Blueprint plan due in March 2025.  Unless there is action at the state level in the 2025 Session to revise or add flexibility to requirements, CCPS will need to shift resources (teachers) from the Southern region to other schools in the county, resulting in greater class sizes at the Southern CC schools.  In high schools, fewer class options would be available as CCPS focuses staffing on offering classes required for graduation.


Sykesville Middle Addition Update

In August 2024, the CC BOE approved plans for an addition to Sykesville Middle School.

  • 13 classroom addition (including related arts)
  • Cost:  $17.7 million, CC Share is $8.7 million
  • Resulting capacity: 970 students
  • Construction:  June 2026 - Summer 2028

CCPS Data Dashboard Launched

The dashboard, which is located on the school system’s website, shows progress on the strategic plan and access additional facts and figures about CCPS.



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Email to join or reach out with questions:  LSEPTA.Advocacy@gmail.com


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Advocacy Corner September 2024