Reselling The App

The easiest fundraising method of our program is the Bells and Whistles feature which our staff runs for you. It works on both the website and mobile app.
Another way the mobile app can easily be used to raise funds for your school is to sell it your parents. If you think about the typical family, it may have a mother that has an iPhone and also an iPad. Her spouse may have an Android phone and an Android tablet. This could account for 4 devices that they want to have the mobile app installed on.
Our program allows you to set a price for each device that can activate the app. For example, you may decide to sell access to the app at a price of $3 per device. For this typical family it amounts to $12 to activate the app on each of their devices. If your school has 300 families, that is $3,600 you are generating in revenue from the app. The cost of our plan for unlimited users and unlimited devices ranges from $125 to $499. Subtract that from the revenue total and you have raised well over $3,000.
Directory App As A Fundraiser
Some groups we work with use this method effectively. Other groups like to sell it for a single price and other groups like to include it with their membership dues. However your policy works, our program will be able to accommodate it.

When parents tap this button on the app they can easily make a donation to your school. After making the donation, a suite of fun app features will become available to them.
Make Donations Appealing
Give Donors Something They Will Enjoy
Create a Buzz That Will Lead To More Donations
Learn More
Did You Know
Our fundraising program is
1. Educational
2. Challenging
3. Fun
4. For parents, teachers and students
5. Web and mobile enabled
6. Run by our staff
7. Going to surprise you

Find out how our Bells and Whistles Fundraising Program will raise more funds for your school than you might think. Be sure to Contact us.